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The Monkees Film & TV Vault Blog
Saturday, 10 October 2009

Come this Monkee Monday, The Monkees Film & TV Vault will pack its bags, load into The Monkeemobile, and move onto pastures new...that is, a new, easier accessible Tripod link! I'll letcha know then (hopefully all the kinks have been worked out by now), so prepare to change your bookmarks! cool

Uh...I was planning to do this on its 12th anniversary on October 24th, but my laptop suffered a brainfart after I restarted it trying to install a Service Pack, so it's in Service Repair @ Office Depot for the next week and a half or so, and I'm resorting to using my webpage files on my USB, and I'm forced to move up my timetable. at wits' end

Posted by Aaron Handy III at 1:31 PM CDT
Monday, 5 October 2009
First MF&TVV Update For October 2009
Now Playing: Walton & Johnson on WKBU-FM 95.7
Episode No. 2, “Monkee See, Monkee Die” (prod. #4705, aired on NBC September 19, 1966 and May 1, 1967), is The Featured Monkees Episode Of Scary Stuff!!! of the week.

And stay tuned! The Monkees Film TV & Vault's planning a big move on its 12th Anniversary in 3 weeks!

Posted by Aaron Handy III at 6:57 AM CDT
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
O/T: Dateline: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1971
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Batman on my DVR
Topic: Happy B-Day to ME!!!

Hard to believe it was 38 years ago today that, @ 4:08 PM (EDT), in The U.S. Public Service Hospital, to the proud parents of Aaron Handy Jr. and Barbara Spear Handy---


Many happy, healthy returns to ME!! CoolLaughingCoolLaughingCoolLaughingCoolLaughing

Posted by Aaron Handy III at 5:45 AM CDT
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Tonight's Next-To-Final MF&TVV Updates For September 2009
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: The Dark Knight on Cinemax

The Circle Is Compleet! Monkeetrekkie Andrew P. Sandoval comes through again!!

3 months after Andy contributed the balance of Monkees episode production numbers to this site, the conflict concerning both “One Man Shy” (a.k.a. "Peter And The Debutante") and "Mijacogeo" (a.k.a. "The Frodis Caper") having the exact same production number is finally resolved; regardless of what eBay tells you about what number's on the script which is constantly sold there, "Mijacogeo"'s real production code is 4770. So it's official: I finally have production numbers to all 58 original Monkees installments. What a pre-birthday surprise!! Laughing

MONKEES EPISODE PRODUCTION NUMBERS is updated with this info as well.

Posted by Aaron Handy III at 8:29 PM CDT
Monday, 28 September 2009
This Week's Monkees TV Almanac (9/27-10/3/09)
Now Playing: Walton & Johnson on WKBU-FM

SEPTEMBER 27, 1969

"Art For Monkee's Sake," Episode No. 37 of The Monkees (prod. #4744, aired on NBC October 9, 1967 and April 22, 1968), was repeated @ noon (EDT) on CBS.

SEPTEMBER 30, 1972 (my 1st birthday! image)

"Your Friendly Neighborhood Kidnappers," Episode No. 4 of The Monkees (prod. #4703, aired on NBC October 3, 1966 and May 15, 1967), was repeated @ 1:00 p.m. EDT on ABC.

OCTOBER 2, 1967

"Monkee Mayor"
(prod. #4760) first aired @ 7:30 p.m. (EDT) on NBC as the 36th episode of The Monkees.

Sponsor of the week was Yardley Of London™, and the songs featured were "No Time", written by Hank Cicalo, and "Pleasant Valley Sunday", written by Gerry Goffin & Carole King.

OCTOBER 2, 1971

"Captain Crocodile," Episode No. 23 of The Monkees (prod. #4731, aired on NBC February 23 and July 10, 1967), was repeated @ noon (EDT) on CBS.

OCTOBER 3, 1966

"Your Friendly Neighborhood Kidnappers"
(prod. #4703) first aired @ 7:30 p.m. (EDT) on NBC as the 4th episode of The Monkees.

It was sponsored by Slicker and Black Label by Yardley Of London™, and the songs featured were "Let's Dance On", "(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Stone", and "Last Train To Clarksville," all Tommy Boyce-Bobby Hart compositions.

OCTOBER 3, 1970

"The Prince And The Paupers," Episode No. 21 of The Monkees (prod. #4733, aired on NBC February 6, 1967), was repeated @ 12:30 p.m. (EDT) on CBS, with a new song added: "99 Pounds," written by Jeff Barry.

Posted by Aaron Handy III at 7:12 AM CDT
Final MF&TVV Updates For September 2009
Now Playing: The Michael In The Morning Show on WTIX-FM

The MF&TVV's annual Halloween page is back, with Episode No. 52, "The Devil And Peter Tork" (prod. #4737, aired on NBC February 5 and July 29, 1968), being this week's Featured Monkees Episode Of Scary Stuff!!!, picking up where last Halloween left off.

Posted by Aaron Handy III at 7:01 AM CDT
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Today's MF&TVV Updates
Now Playing: NewsChannel 6 This Morning

Took care of a few HTML snafus in HEAD and updated a Trivia Note in “The Monkees Mind Their Manor”.

Posted by Aaron Handy III at 6:23 AM CDT
Monday, 21 September 2009
This Week's Monkees TV Almanac (9/20-26/09)
Now Playing: The Michael In The Morning Show on WTIX-FM

SEPTEMBER 20, 1969

"Captain Crocodile," Episode No. 23 of The Monkees (prod. #4730, aired on NBC February 20 and July 10, 1967), was repeated @ noon (EDT) on CBS.

SEPTEMBER 23, 1972

"Monkees Marooned," Episode No. 40 of The Monkees (prod. #4755, aired on NBC October 30, 1967 and May 13, 1968), was repeated @ 1:00 p.m. (EDT) on ABC.

ABC aired this exact same episode a week before!

SEPTEMBER 25, 1967

"Everywhere A Sheik Sheik"
(prod. #4749) first aired @ 7:30 p.m. (EDT) on NBC as the 35th episode of The Monkees.

Kellogg's sponsored, and the songs were "Love Is Only Sleeping," written by Barry Mann & Cynthia Weil and "Cuddly Toy," written by Harry Nilssen; both were produced by Douglas Farthing Hatlelid.

SEPTEMBER 25, 1971

"One Man Shy" (a.k.a. "Peter And The Debutante"), Episode No. 13 of The Monkees (prod. #4722, aired on NBC December 5, 1966 and August 14, 1967), was repeated @ noon (EDT) on CBS, with a new song added: "If I Knew" written by Davy Jones & Bill Chadwick.

SEPTEMBER 26, 1966

"Monkee Versus Machine"
(prod. #4700) first aired @ 7:30 p.m. (EDT) on NBC as the 3rd episode of The Monkees.

The sponsored was Kellogg's, and the episode's songs (produced by Tommy Boyce, Bobby Hart & Jack Keller) were "Saturday's Child" by David Gates and "Last Train To Clarksville" by Tommy Boyce & Bobby Hart.

SEPTEMBER 26, 1970

"The Spy Who Came In From The Cool," Episode No. 5 of The Monkees (prod. #4702, aired on NBC October 10, 1966 and June 19, 1967), was repeated @ 12:30 p.m. (EDT) on CBS, with a new song added: "All Alone In The Dark," written by Soles and Albright.

Posted by Aaron Handy III at 7:02 AM CDT
Today's MF&TVV Updates
Now Playing: The Michael In The Morning Show on WTIX-FM

Episode No. 42, "The Wild Monkees" (prod. #4765, aired on NBC November 13, 1967), is The Featured Monkees Episode Of The Week. Also, a Trivia Note is updated in “Monkee See, Monkee Die”.

Posted by Aaron Handy III at 6:51 AM CDT
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Today's MF&TVV Updates

Added new Trivia to “The Monkees In The Ring”, updated a Trivia Note in "The Monkees In Paris" (a.k.a. "The Paris Show"), and made several significant changes/additions/updates to HEAD: Foreign Releases, Alternate Titles, and newly added Trivia.

Posted by Aaron Handy III at 9:15 AM CDT

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